Abita Springs: The park is up and running. We are currently limited to RV reservations only. The pool is clean and we have Judy Guirovich helping out with our activities.
Hideaway Ponds: Park staff are still hard at work getting the resort ready. We have had a lot of rain brought in with the tropical storm that hit Texas earlier this week. However, the park has electricity, water and most importantly, wifi. The pool is currently closed and there are no activities as of yet.
With all that said, we are allowing RV reservations to be made. We love to see our members come in and enjoy the resort and the surrounding community. We do have the clubhouse open for the locals who need a few commodities and clothing items.
[Update: September 8, 2021 – 11:00am]
Abita Springs: We are excited to announce that we are now taking RV Reservations again at Abita Springs. We have cleaned up the sites, got the pool sparkling clean and we are getting the rest of the areas ready to go. Please be patient as we continue to clean up around the area, getting the park looking at its best.
Hideaway Ponds: The park is beginning to take shape again. We are so proud of our employees and their dedication to helping us and each other through this time. We are continuing to clean up around the resort and we are excited to see our members again. We don’t know when we are able to allow members back into the resort but it is getting closer. We will keep you posted as we can.
[Update: September 7, 2021 – 11:00am]
Abita Springs: Abita Springs has had consistent power for the last few days. They have almost completely cleaned up all of the RV sites. There are just a few trees left to cleanout. The pool is also looking good. We hope to have members back and enjoying the park very soon. We will keep you posted.
Hideaway Ponds: Electricity is still inconsistent. Our hardworking employees are expecting to have the RV sites cleaned up by the end of the day. However, there is still no consistent electricity and water has not been restored so we don’t know when members are going to be allowed to stay with us. We really appreciate the love that Tres Rios Resort and the City of Glen Rose, Texas have shown by sending some basic needs to our members.
[Update: September 3, 2021 – 2:00pm]
Abita Springs: Clean-up from the storm is fully underway. We don’t know when we are able to open the resort to the members. We need consistent electricity and water.
Hideaway Ponds: Clean-up from hideaway starts on Monday. Looks like the area with be out of power for 3 to 4 weeks. If any member in that area needs water, food, or clothes, come to the clubhouse Monday from 10am to 2pm to get supplies. We have been blessed by the wonderful members in Tres Rios and the city of Glen Rose.
[Update: September 1, 2021 – 11:00am]
We are grateful for all the members who have been concerned for our resorts. We are also glad that all of our employees are safe. Both resorts are without power and water. Both of them will have no access to our members for a while. We will keep everyone updated as we hear of any progress. We will also try to keep this page updated daily.
Abita Springs: The pond level is risen but has not entered any of the buildings. We are beginning to see it recede. The resort is still without power and water but we are beginning to see different areas of the county have power restored. We are hoping to have power restored soon.
Hideaway Ponds: We are very pleased to say that our 400-year-old willow has once again survived another hurricane. We are still without water and electricity. The cleanup process is underway.
[Update: August 31, 2021 – 2:26pm]
We have staff at both Abita and Hideaway assessing what all needs to be cleaned up and fixed before guests can resume. Currently, both resorts have no electricity and no water. Neither park has had any issues with flooding.
Abita Springs: Clean-up is underway. There are a few trees down.
Hideaway Ponds: Clean-up is expected to begin on Monday.
[Update: August 31, 2021 – 10:45am]
We are seeing our team members headed back to both Abita Springs and Hideaway Ponds. Hideaway Ponds still has limited access for our staff. Both resorts are still without power. It appears that both will be out of power for at least the rest of this week.
None of the other resorts have been affected by the storm. Styx River saw some rain but no high winds. They have remained fully operational.
Mountain Lakes will see some occasional rain for today. The resort is also fully operational.
[Update: August 30, 2021 – 5:50pm]
Hideaway Ponds: We have received an update on Hideaway Ponds’ status. Numerous trees are down and electricity and water are unavailable. Unfortunately, all reservations for this week will be canceled which includes Labor Day Weekend.
[update: August 30, 2021 – 3:24pm]
Prior to the storm, we evacuated all the members and staff members from both Abita Springs and Hideaway Ponds. We are glad that they are all safe. Those that stayed in the community through the storm are safe as well. A lot of our members were able to travel back home, to other OCP parks, as well as different Coast to Coast Resorts.
Unfortunately, this has come just one week before Labor Day Weekend so a lot of our resorts are already at capacity.
We have seen local communities reaching out to evacuees. In Texarkana, local food banks showed up at Millwood Landing RV Resort to help our members from both Abita Springs and Hideaway Ponds.
Abita Springs: We do have a small number of trees down throughout the park. There is no structural damage to any of our buildings but there will be some minor roof repairs.
Currently, the water has not flooded the area but we are watching this closely since we are expecting to rise until tomorrow.
Millwood Landing: Texarkana Local organizations helping evacuees Millwood Landing: Texarkana Local organizations helping evacuees Millwood Landing: Texarkana Local organizations helping evacuees
[update: August 30, 2021 – 1:00pm]
Abita Springs: We currently do not have power to the resort. Unfortunately, all reservations for this week will be canceled which includes Labor Day Weekend.
Hideaway Ponds: We are still waiting to get an update on their location.
[update: August 30, 2021 – 9:00am]
Abita Springs has extensive tree damage and some roof damage. We do have some limited staff at the resort to help with assessments and clean-up. There is no flooding at the resort. There is also no power. We are currently working with different groups to get the resort fully operational.
Hideaway Ponds: We had all members and staff evacuated. They are currently on their way back to the resort. We will keep you posted.
[August 29, 2021 – 3:00pm]
Due to Hurricane Ida, Abita Springs and Hideaway Ponds RV Resorts are closed until further notice. Rated a Category 4, it is expected that high winds and flooding will affect the resorts and for the safety of our members and staff, we will temporarily close the resorts until the storm has passed and we can assess any damage.
Keep checking back on this webpage for any further updates.
Comments 3
Thank you for evacuating everyone and the updates. Praying for ALL staff and members.
Quick question, can online reservations be made for December?
Hi Joy,
Please keep praying for the employees and those that lived in that area. I’m glad everyone we know is safe.
About the December reservations, I’m not too sure what membership types. However, there is an easy chat feature on this page as well as the member portal that will allow you to chat with a reservations team member. Or you may want to call as well.
wow, glad everyone is safe, thanks for the update